Steel filler metal comes in spool, cut length, and Stick Electrodes which are used to join wrought steel such as; Angle, channel, flat plate, and round stock. The most common filler metal numbers for spool wire are E70S6, .023 to .045 diameter. Spools sizes available range from 2 lb to 44 lb. Steel Cut lenght most common numbers are E70S2, RG45 and RG60. Size ranges from .035" to 3/16" by 36" long which are available in 1 lb, 5 lb, 10 lb, or 50 lb packaging. Carbon Steel electode types are E6010, E6011, E6012, E6013, E7018. Sizes ranging from 5/64" to 5/32". Please take a look at the full line of high quality Carbon Steel Filler Metal below.