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CK Worldwide Gas Saver Kits: Not Just Another Gas Lens

CK Worldwide Gas Saver Kits: Not Just Another Gas Lens

Posted by Weldfabulous Blogging Team on Dec 12th 2018

Gas lenses are a TIG welding accessory which improve the gas flow through a TIG welding torch. Improved gas flow is achieved by use of various types of openings through which the shielding gas passes on its way through the TIG torch. Use of these openings creates a type of flow which, in fluid dynamics terminology, is called laminar flow. Laminar flow is smoother and more directional than the turbulent flow that normally occurs, and the benefits of having a smoother gas flow in TIG welding are numerous.

Over forty years ago, CK Worldwide developed a proprietary gas lens design called the Gas Saver™ kit. It consists of a heatshield, a wedge collet with collet body, a tungsten adapter with screens, and an opaque Alumina cup or a clear Pyrex cup.

An example of the tungsten adapter with screens is shown here.

The proprietary screen design allows for the laminar type of gas flow, discussed earlier, which is smoother and therefore more desirable than turbulent gas flow. As a result, CK Gas Saver™ Kits provide a number of advantages over standard collet bodies.

Better coverage of the weld puddle

Lack of turbulence in the gas flow means that there is less mixing, and therefore contamination, from surrounding atmospheric gasses into the weld puddle. This results in cleaner, higher quality welds.

Better tungsten stick-out

Since the gas flow is smoother and more organized, there is more direction to the flow pattern, and the gas flow extends farther from the TIG torch tip than otherwise would be possible. 

As a result, the tungsten itself can stick out farther – with the Gas Saver™ technology, tungsten stick-out can be up to 6 times the electrode diameter. This allows for better access into tight spaces as well better visibility of the tungsten and puddle – especially advantageous for beginners.

Better view with use of Pyrex cup

Gas Saver Kits can be purchased with an opaque Alumina cup or a clear Pyrex cup. 

The Pyrex cup provides a better view of the weld puddle and surrounding areas, making it easier to work from straight above. The improved view also helps to keep a shorter arc when desired and provides advantages for beginning TIG welders.

Wedge collet comes standard

CK’s proprietary wedge collet comes standard with all Gas Saver™ Kits. This collet lasts ten times longer than standard split collets and improves arc starts and arc stability.

Large Diameter Gas Saver Kits for extra coverage

Large Diameter Gas Saver Kits provide the extra shield gas coverage that's required for materials such as titanium tubing and other specialized alloys. These Large Diameter Gas Saver Kits outperform standard and even large diameter gas lenses, and can be purchased with high-temperature Pyrex glass cups. Additionally, LD Gas Saver Kits allow the tungsten to be extended up to 1.5 inches beyond the edge of the gas cup, which allows superior access to odd angles and tight areas of the work surface.

No need to use a wide nozzle

Using the Gas Saver™ Kit, the outside diameter of the nozzle is very similar to the standard nozzle that would otherwise be used (though large diameter Gas Saver Kits are also available). In contrast, typical gas lenses require the use of a much wider diameter nozzle, which can restrict access to tight areas.

More efficient use of shielding gas

As the name implies, the Gas Saver Kit actually saves on shielding gas usage – up to 40%. This is made possible by the more efficient gas flow through the proprietary design of the screen assembly. 

Shop for CK Worldwide Gas Saver Kits at Weldfabulous

As an authorized CK Worldwide distributor, Weldfabulous carries a wide selection of Gas Saver Kits. Note that Gas Saver Kits can accommodate 1/8", 3/32", and 1/16" tungsten. Additionally, sizes .040", 4/18", and 5/32" can be accommodated by adding the appropriate adapter size to an existing kit.  Click to visit our Gas Saver Kit section, or use one of these convenient links to start shopping now.

We hope you enjoy convenient online shopping and ordering for CK Worldwide Gas Saver Kits from Weldfabulous. Got questions? Let us help you find the answers: Contact us here on our website or via our social media channels if we can be of service.